The thing is, there is never a right or wrong decision.
You’re going to make any decision either from a place of fear or love .
You came into this earth with the complete freedom to be and do what ever you wanted and somehow along the way you experienced needing to conform to society’s expectations, rules, limitations and justification. All of which are leading you on a path deterring you from you.
We are all source energy which is unconditional love , and when we choose to Rise with Love, we are giving way for things to unfold for us to live our best lives. We allow the expansion of love, joy and abundance to fill every aspect of our being and life.
With any decision you make, take everything and everyone else out of the picture and truly go with what you want and will bring you the most joy.
Your joy is ALWAYS of the most importance.
When making decisions, listen to your own being, it always knows best, you know, that gut instinct, those whispers that really need to become roars.
Only you knows how to do YOU!
When you make any decision from a place of love then you are and ALWAYS will be choosing the higher path for you
What are you supposed to look for in terms of signs?
– Dream visitations
– Smelling their scent/perfume
– Feeling their presence
– Music (such as their song playing, or a song you associate with them)
– Feathers
– Coins
– Rainbows
– Numbers (such as anniversaries etc…)
– Animals (such as butterflies, birds etc…)
– Electrical activity (lights flashing, TV turning on etc…)
Not sure how to make sense of these signs or what they even mean?
Then I would love to help you.
When I was 18 years old, I was told that I could communicate with spirit. I’d been doing it my whole life really, and after many years of extensive training I have learnt to master the art of communicating with spirit.
I am now bringing mediumship to the modern day times to become something that is acceptable to seek and be a part of. It truly is a beautiful experience, as well as bringing so much comfort, support, healing and love.
Over the years, I have communicated with thousands of loved ones in spirit through my work – whether it be in personal readings or live demonstrations with my Whispers from Above shows.
The connection with your loved ones is priceless and I feel very blessed to be able to offer this ability to you. It is such an honour to be present with you and your loved ones, passing on the messages you wish to share with each other.
If you are yet to experience this connection I urge you to listen to that calling inside of you and allow me to be the translator for you and your loved ones in spirit.
You may wish to book yourself a reading or come along to my live shows.
Wishing you so much love
Melissa Mills xx
NZs Modern Medium
When life throws you opportunities (even unexpected or unrealistic ones), it’s important for you to jump and allow the universe to provide for you. Whether this be for your personal growth, relationships, career, health, adventures and so on.
It doesn’t matter if you have no idea how you will make it happen, what it’s going to bring you or what path it will lead you on. The important thing is that you commit and allow the universe to do it’s thing!
Be in a state of ALLOWING and RECEIVING
Start saying ‘YES’ to love.
Start saying ‘YES’ to happiness.
Start saying ‘YES’ to abundance.
We all have many goals and ambitions in life which we should aim to achieve, however, it’s about releasing the timing and outcomes of all these goals and ambitions. To truly surrender your spirit to everything coming to you in divine timing when it is for the highest good of all involved.
So are you at risk of future tripping your life?
Do you often hear yourself say?
“When I have … I’ll do …”
“I’ll be happy when I have …”
“I can’t do … until…”
If that’s you, you are currently in a state of controlling an outcome or desire. You are future tripping the rest of your life. Which means you’ll miss out, be left behind, or learn the lesson the hard way.
I’ve been there and it’s a lesson I am currently going through, as well as the many clients I see. So you are definitely not alone.
Take a breath and surrender it all. The fear, the doubt, the stress, the anger, the guilt, the resentment, the control. Let it go. It is not serving you or the people around you.
Meditate, pray or journal about what you’re feeling and why you’re putting a big fat ‘BLOCK’ on your life.
The beauty is, when you become aware that you are future tripping your life you can change your state of being and that is the most freeing thing you can do for yourself and those around you.
Your AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL life awaits you when you start saying ‘YES’.
May you see the miracle in the lessons you are currently in.
Lots of love
Melissa Mills xx
Psychic Medium
“Empowering individuals to abundantly live on purpose”
In a reading with a client today towards the end of a connection with her granddad, he handed her a yellow rose.
I thought, hmm that’s nice…then the flood gates opened and I was really unsure why.
She told me that her granddad would let her know it was him or that things are worth going for if she saw the yellow rose.
You can only imagine how incredible that felt for me to give her that validation.
Your loved ones in spirit never cease to amaze me. I feel so truly blessed to work as a medium.
Thank you spirit for this beautiful validation of life after death.
Lots of love
Melissa Mills xx
NZs Modern Medium
Now… for anyone that knows me, knows that I have a MASSIVE and I mean MASSIVE fear of birds (all originates because I was hung in a past-life and pecked out without being quite dead!).
Anyway as I was doing the normal connecting with members of her family, dog etc… she asked if there was anything else there and I couldn’t see the parrot (but that’s because I wouldn’t open myself up to that), so when I asked her who she wanted to connect with it really put me out of my comfort zone completely.
I put my fear aside and was able to connect to the beautiful parrot and the relationship that they had, his behaviours etc… I could even feel him nudging her head as he would sit on her shoulder (by that time the cold sweats were coming on). She was so moved by the experience and was able to finally grieve his loss.
It definitely was an experience, and a true test of my mediumship, because mediumship isn’t about me, it’s about those in the afterlife being able to communicate with you. A connection had to happen, whether I was shit scared or not of the bird! I’m glad I was able to hold it together for this beautiful client.
I can’t say I’m in hurry to connect with more birds, but at least I know I can somehow handle this fear through mediumship.
Never a boring day in the office, that’s for sure!
]]>In the video she talked about how she wasn’t here to create disciples but she was here to create teachers, and I truly resonate with that message.
I’ve always said in all my classes or workshops that I want to impart as much knowledge as I can onto them as it really is no point me having it all to myself. I’m only one person, and if we can have more of us sharing the love and messages from the spirit world and universe then we are creating more good for humanity.
I believe there is enough for everybody and I don’t ever look at myself in competition with anyone or being better than anybody else. I believe in my ability and continue to develop it with teachers who I believe can continue to grow my ability to connect to the spirit world. By doing so, I can then impart my knowledge and ability for those who seek me out or need me.
I love seeing people shine and finding their purpose in life and that brings me so much joy. If I can help one person everyday then I know I have done my part as a lightworker.
However there are only so many hours in one day and I also have to put time and energy into my family and friends, so I have to impart my knowledge. I have to share what I have been taught by these AMAZING teachers in the hope that they will too share their knowledge and ability with those around them.
So the message is about helping you.
It’s about being able to touch your heart.
It’s about making you know that you are loved and supported.
It’s about aligning you with your life’s purpose.
The message isn’t about about me.
It’s not about money or fame.
It’s about how can I create more love, acceptance, peace and healing for people in this world.
The message is about understanding that the universe and the spirit world is here to help us all lead meaningful and abundant lives.
So the more teachers we have spreading this message, then hopefully the happier our world will become.
So as Gabrielle Bernstein said “I’m not here to create disciples, I’m here to create teachers.”