On the contrary, you came here to experience an extension of yourself. We are all source energy, which is pure unconditional love, and you came here to physically experience what that love feels like and the experiences it opens up when you’re aligned with it.
Your life is meant to evoke joy, abundance, creativity, inspiration and pleasure.
Your being (soul) knows that’s what you are and came here to experience and it sends you reminders of this ALL the time, and every once in awhile you may just recognise this as aspirations, dreams and desires.
You’ll get these nudges, thoughts, signs or feelings towards people and experiences that you know would bring you ultimate joy and abundance and some people follow that, but most, somehow conjure up every story or block possible to keep resisting actually living their best life.
Getting in tune with that voice that’s the cheerleader in your mind is of the upmost importance – that is source, aka love, you can call it god, angels, guides etc…but ultimately it’s that energy that connects us and the Universe together.
When you see something that you want to do, stop talking yourself out of it, stop asking others for validation or permission, stop buying into the excuses or the presumed reality you’re in. It’s come into your awareness because somewhere at some point you evoked this experience into your being and now the Universe has delivered you the opportunity to evoke it into existence.
This is what the Rise with Love philosophy is all about – aligning yourself with love to experience the expansion of joy and abundance as you co-create your dream life.
Choose as best as you can in every moment
Joy over sadness
Abundance over lack
Worthiness over guilt
Deserving over blame
Empowerment over anger
Gratitude over jealousy
Everything will unfold beautifully because it’s the Universes job to take care of the how and when, and your job to know the desire and to experience it.
The universe will NEVER EVER let you down as it responds to how you feel.
Always reach for the feeling you WANT to experience. That is the way you too will Rise with Love.
When we align ourselves with love, we are aligning ourselves with who we truly are and this gives us the freedom to rise into living our best life.
YES it’s your time to Rise with Love
The thing is, there is never a right or wrong decision.
You’re going to make any decision either from a place of fear or love
You came into this earth with the complete freedom to be and do what ever you wanted and somehow along the way you experienced needing to conform to society’s expectations, rules, limitations and justification. All of which are leading you on a path deterring you from you.
We are all source energy which is unconditional love , and when we choose to Rise with Love, we are giving way for things to unfold for us to live our best lives. We allow the expansion of love, joy and abundance to fill every aspect of our being and life.
With any decision you make, take everything and everyone else out of the picture and truly go with what you want and will bring you the most joy.
Your joy is ALWAYS of the most importance.
When making decisions, listen to your own being, it always knows best, you know, that gut instinct, those whispers that really need to become roars.
Only you knows how to do YOU!
When you make any decision from a place of love then you are and ALWAYS will be choosing the higher path for you
Our entire existence is for us to experience the expansion of love, joy and abundance while we are here on Earth.
You have nudges every day, from your own being, guiding you to be more than you currently are.
You’ll get a feeling or desire for something you really want, which ultimately is a way for you to experience love, joy and abundance on all forms.
No one wishes for more turmoil, challenges or fear, yet, this is what you have when you stop yourself from being more.
When you succeed in experiencing love, joy and abundance in your life, you lift others to do the same.
When you listen to those whispers that say, you deserve more, you are worthy of more… LISTEN. Truly listen, as this is your being saying let the Universe deliver and stop cock blocking the good feels of love, joy and abundance you came here to experience.
I see so many people living their lives pleasing others and living by others expectation that they are no longer sure who they are.
This is why we are all being called upon to Rise with Love
That energy and force that connects us all is LOVE. We are and always will be living our best lives when we choose to align ourselves to Love.
Be more in love
Do more in love
Share more in love
Live more in love
The most wonderful things will unfold for you when you embark on the journey to Rise with Love
You can either be sending an order of lack or abundance, and if you think about it that’s a whole lot of orders being placed in just 1 minute!
Imagine if you took the time every single day to feel into absolute joy for a few minutes. You know, that thought that brings an absolute giddyness to you, that you can’t help but smile and feel fantastic?
When you take yourself to that genuine place of joy, you’re in alignment with source, and that folks is unconditional love, even if you don’t necessarily know what you want, you’re sending the order to the universe that you want more of this feel-good feeling and it will send you experiences that give you that same feeling.
Now, it’s the same principle if you feel depressed, angry, stressed, jealousy etc… every 17 seconds you stay in those low vibe emotions, you’re placing your order to the universe to send you more of feeling this way.
Changing your state from lack to abundance is what I call the Flip It Mindset
You truly are the co-creator of your life along with the universe and every 17 seconds is a brand new chance to get MORE of what you truly desire.
It’s not hard, its not easy, it just is.
Think of that incredible thing, get yourself high vibe, and every time you catch yourself in those low vibe emotions, bring yourself back up, all it takes is 17 seconds .
Abundance calls on us to expand our receiving capacity to fully experience living our best life.
Sometimes we believe that I just need enough, or others need it more and this is not abundance.
Since abundance knows no prejudice, it is available to absolutely EVERYONE and the wonderful thing about Abundance is, that there is an infinite supply of it.
Abundance is about expansion.
Expanding to allow yourself to fully call in every single desire you want without justification, reasoning or questioning of those wants.
You have to open yourself to receive more and more of the things that bring you joy.
Imagine if all that stress, worry, overwhelm, sabotage and so on was filled with joy, empowerment, peace and inspiration, how much better would your life be?
Every single person wants to feel good about the life they life.
It’s time for you to expand your capacity to receive abundance. You are worthy, you are deserving and it is your divine right to have.
“I expand my capacity to receive more abundance to live my life in alignment with love”
By raising your abundance frequency you allow others to raise theirs too.
Feels good to be abundant