heaven – Melissa Mills https://melissamills.co.nz Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher Wed, 08 Jan 2020 03:59:16 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.5 https://melissamills.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cropped-gold-mini-icon-logo-1-32x32.png heaven – Melissa Mills https://melissamills.co.nz 32 32 Daddy’s Spirit Hug to Baby H https://melissamills.co.nz/daddys-spirit-hug-to-baby-h/ Fri, 20 Dec 2019 01:47:32 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2795 Just over 3 months ago baby H’s dad crossed over to the other side. Baby H was just 3 months old at the time and his beautiful mum had experienced connecting with him through me and even experienced her own spirit hug.

The experience of the spirit hug was so powerful that she wanted to give that to her son too, and of course, I was willing to give it a go.

At just 6 months old baby H is so adorable and a true mixture of his mummy and daddy.

The reading of course was full of visits from family admiring and dotting over baby H and giving mummy lots of love and support.

Towards the middle of the reading baby H was starting to get a bit restless, so I decided to hold him and allow daddy to come through as I do when I do the spirit hugs, and instantly baby H settled as I rocked side to side letting his daddy soothe him. I really felt like I wanted to hum which was something daddy used to do.

When it came to the true moment of the spirit hug, this is what truly blew me away.

I decided to stand, since that seemed to work last time, and ask daddy to come once again. Baby H dropped his toy and started to settle once again and was touching my face and cuddled into me – which of course was his daddy. I can’t put it into words, just how amazing that was for everyone of us to experience ðŸ˜­

I, of course wanted to give mummy another experience of a spirit hug so she put baby H on her lap and I let him come through again, giving him a moment to take in his beautiful family. He wanted to put his hand on Baby H’s foot and once again Baby H dropped his toy and put his hand on mine reaching for his dad. I allowed him to hug them both and it was just a beautiful experience – no one wanting it to ever end ðŸ’—

What an honour it was to give daddy the opportunity to hold his son again… it’s touched my heart so much that we can co-create these connections together.

Baby H and his mummy hold a special place in my heart and I look forward to sharing more in their journey in years to come.

Everyday with experiences like this we are bringing mediumship into the everyday homes, the everyday hearts and everyday conversations.

Your personal translator for spirit https://melissamills.co.nz/personal-translator-spirit/ https://melissamills.co.nz/personal-translator-spirit/#respond Sun, 06 Aug 2017 08:49:16 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2285 Are your loved ones in spirit trying to communicate with you?
My answer to YOU is YES!

What are you supposed to look for in terms of signs?
– Dream visitations
– Smelling their scent/perfume
– Feeling their presence
– Music (such as their song playing, or a song you associate with them)
– Feathers
– Coins
– Rainbows
– Numbers (such as anniversaries etc…)
– Animals (such as butterflies, birds etc…)
– Electrical activity (lights flashing, TV turning on etc…)

Not sure how to make sense of these signs or what they even mean?
Then I would love to help you.

When I was 18 years old, I was told that I could communicate with spirit. I’d been doing it my whole life really, and after many years of extensive training I have learnt to master the art of communicating with spirit.
I am now bringing mediumship to the modern day times to become something that is acceptable to seek and be a part of. It truly is a beautiful experience, as well as bringing so much comfort, support, healing and love.

Over the years, I have communicated with thousands of loved ones in spirit through my work – whether it be in personal readings or live demonstrations with my Whispers from Above shows.

The connection with your loved ones is priceless and I feel very blessed to be able to offer this ability to you. It is such an honour to be present with you and your loved ones, passing on the messages you wish to share with each other.

If you are yet to experience this connection I urge you to listen to that calling inside of you and allow me to be the translator for you and your loved ones in spirit.

You may wish to book yourself a reading or come along to my live shows.

Wishing you so much love
Melissa Mills xx
NZs Modern Medium

https://melissamills.co.nz/personal-translator-spirit/feed/ 0
The power of the Yellow Rose https://melissamills.co.nz/power-yellow-rose-2/ https://melissamills.co.nz/power-yellow-rose-2/#respond Sun, 06 Aug 2017 08:32:16 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2276 You know, sometimes when I’m doing mediumship I feel I say things that are so random or that seem so un-meaningful….but boy am I wrong with that!

In a reading with a client today towards the end of a connection with her granddad, he handed her a yellow rose.

I thought, hmm that’s nice…then the flood gates opened and I was really unsure why.

She told me that her granddad would let her know it was him or that things are worth going for if she saw the yellow rose.

You can only imagine how incredible that felt for me to give her that validation.

Your loved ones in spirit never cease to amaze me. I feel so truly blessed to work as a medium.

Thank you spirit for this beautiful validation of life after death.

Lots of love
Melissa Mills xx
NZs Modern Medium

https://melissamills.co.nz/power-yellow-rose-2/feed/ 0
Connecting with your beloved pets https://melissamills.co.nz/connecting-beloved-pets/ https://melissamills.co.nz/connecting-beloved-pets/#respond Sun, 06 Aug 2017 08:28:35 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2274 Yesterday had a client who had just recently lost her beautiful parrot.

Now… for anyone that knows me, knows that I have a MASSIVE and I mean MASSIVE fear of birds (all originates because I was hung in a past-life and pecked out without being quite dead!).

Anyway as I was doing the normal connecting with members of her family, dog etc… she asked if there was anything else there and I couldn’t see the parrot (but that’s because I wouldn’t open myself up to that), so when I asked her who she wanted to connect with it really put me out of my comfort zone completely.

I put my fear aside and was able to connect to the beautiful parrot and the relationship that they had, his behaviours etc… I could even feel him nudging her head as he would sit on her shoulder (by that time the cold sweats were coming on). She was so moved by the experience and was able to finally grieve his loss.

It definitely was an experience, and a true test of my mediumship, because mediumship isn’t about me, it’s about those in the afterlife being able to communicate with you. A connection had to happen, whether I was shit scared or not of the bird! I’m glad I was able to hold it together for this beautiful client.

I can’t say I’m in hurry to connect with more birds, but at least I know I can somehow handle this fear through mediumship.

Never a boring day in the office, that’s for sure!

https://melissamills.co.nz/connecting-beloved-pets/feed/ 0