empower – Melissa Mills https://melissamills.co.nz Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher Wed, 08 Jan 2020 04:00:56 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.5 https://melissamills.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cropped-gold-mini-icon-logo-1-32x32.png empower – Melissa Mills https://melissamills.co.nz 32 32 She followed her souls calling and lived her best life https://melissamills.co.nz/she-followed-her-souls-calling-and-lived-her-best-life/ Fri, 20 Dec 2019 01:44:57 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2793 When you decided to come experience life here on earth, never did you decide to come here and experience living a life full of depression, anger, jealousy, disappoinment, guilt, betrayal or poverty.

On the contrary, you came here to experience an extension of yourself. We are all source energy, which is pure unconditional love, and you came here to physically experience what that love feels like and the experiences it opens up when you’re aligned with it.

Your life is meant to evoke joy, abundance, creativity, inspiration and pleasure.

Your being (soul) knows that’s what you are and came here to experience and it sends you reminders of this ALL the time, and every once in awhile you may just recognise this as aspirations, dreams and desires.

You’ll get these nudges, thoughts, signs or feelings towards people and experiences that you know would bring you ultimate joy and abundance and some people follow that, but most, somehow conjure up every story or block possible to keep resisting actually living their best life.

Getting in tune with that voice that’s the cheerleader in your mind is of the upmost importance – that is source, aka love, you can call it god, angels, guides etc…but ultimately it’s that energy that connects us and the Universe together.

When you see something that you want to do, stop talking yourself out of it, stop asking others for validation or permission, stop buying into the excuses or the presumed reality you’re in. It’s come into your awareness because somewhere at some point you evoked this experience into your being and now the Universe has delivered you the opportunity to evoke it into existence.

This is what the Rise with Love philosophy is all about – aligning yourself with love to experience the expansion of joy and abundance as you co-create your dream life.

Choose as best as you can in every moment

Joy over sadness
Abundance over lack
Worthiness over guilt
Deserving over blame
Empowerment over anger
Gratitude over jealousy

Everything will unfold beautifully because it’s the Universes job to take care of the how and when, and your job to know the desire and to experience it.

The universe will NEVER EVER let you down as it responds to how you feel.

Always reach for the feeling you WANT to experience. That is the way you too will Rise with Love.

When we align ourselves with love, we are aligning ourselves with who we truly are and this gives us the freedom to rise into living our best life.

YES it’s your time to Rise with Love ðŸ’–✨

Start saying “YES” to life https://melissamills.co.nz/start-saying-yes-life-2/ https://melissamills.co.nz/start-saying-yes-life-2/#respond Sun, 06 Aug 2017 08:36:22 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2280 Start saying a big fat “HELL YEA” to your life.

When life throws you opportunities (even unexpected or unrealistic ones), it’s important for you to jump and allow the universe to provide for you. Whether this be for your personal growth, relationships, career, health, adventures and so on.

It doesn’t matter if you have no idea how you will make it happen, what it’s going to bring you or what path it will lead you on. The important thing is that you commit and allow the universe to do it’s thing!

Be in a state of ALLOWING and RECEIVING

Start saying ‘YES’ to love.

Start saying ‘YES’ to happiness.

Start saying ‘YES’ to abundance.

We all have many goals and ambitions in life which we should aim to achieve, however, it’s about releasing the timing and outcomes of all these goals and ambitions. To truly surrender your spirit to everything coming to you in divine timing when it is for the highest good of all involved.

So are you at risk of future tripping your life?

Do you often hear yourself say?

“When I have … I’ll do …”

“I’ll be happy when I have …”

“I can’t do … until…”

If that’s you, you are currently in a state of controlling an outcome or desire. You are future tripping the rest of your life. Which means you’ll miss out, be left behind, or learn the lesson the hard way.

I’ve been there and it’s a lesson I am currently going through, as well as the many clients I see. So you are definitely not alone.

Take a breath and surrender it all. The fear, the doubt, the stress, the anger, the guilt, the resentment, the control. Let it go. It is not serving you or the people around you.

Meditate, pray or journal about what you’re feeling and why you’re putting a big fat ‘BLOCK’ on your life.

The beauty is, when you become aware that you are future tripping your life you can change your state of being and that is the most freeing thing you can do for yourself and those around you.

Your AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL life awaits you when you start saying ‘YES’.

May you see the miracle in the lessons you are currently in.

Lots of love
Melissa Mills xx
Psychic Medium
“Empowering individuals to abundantly live on purpose”

https://melissamills.co.nz/start-saying-yes-life-2/feed/ 0
This is the transition I need to propel me to my abundance https://melissamills.co.nz/transition-need-propel-abundance-2/ https://melissamills.co.nz/transition-need-propel-abundance-2/#respond Sun, 06 Aug 2017 08:34:42 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2278 Feeling lost?

Feeling stuck?

If this sounds familiar, then you are keeping yourself there.

I have seen so many of my clients lately who are saying “I feel so lost”.

I sympathies, I have been there many times, it’s not a very pleasant place to be if we keep that outlook of being ‘lost’ or ‘stuck’.

Instead, I have been getting my clients to change the story to ‘I am in transition’. As soon as they say that, their whole face lights up and their energy is completely different.

Everything we say either out loud or in our minds we create.

Instead of looking at things from the fear based perspective of “I am lost/stuck”, look at it from the love based perspective of “I am in transition”.

While doing a reading with a client today, spirit guided me to get her to use this affirmation, it was so good I had to write it down and share it with you:

“This is the transition I need to propel me to my abundance.”

Saying this I already feel the weight lifted and the support from spirit and the universe.

I hope this helps you and that you can start to see the miracles within this transition you are currently in.

Many blessings and love
Melissa Mills xx
Psychic Medium
“Empowering individuals to abundantly live on purpose”

https://melissamills.co.nz/transition-need-propel-abundance-2/feed/ 0
Connecting with your beloved pets https://melissamills.co.nz/connecting-beloved-pets/ https://melissamills.co.nz/connecting-beloved-pets/#respond Sun, 06 Aug 2017 08:28:35 +0000 https://melissamills.co.nz/?p=2274 Yesterday had a client who had just recently lost her beautiful parrot.

Now… for anyone that knows me, knows that I have a MASSIVE and I mean MASSIVE fear of birds (all originates because I was hung in a past-life and pecked out without being quite dead!).

Anyway as I was doing the normal connecting with members of her family, dog etc… she asked if there was anything else there and I couldn’t see the parrot (but that’s because I wouldn’t open myself up to that), so when I asked her who she wanted to connect with it really put me out of my comfort zone completely.

I put my fear aside and was able to connect to the beautiful parrot and the relationship that they had, his behaviours etc… I could even feel him nudging her head as he would sit on her shoulder (by that time the cold sweats were coming on). She was so moved by the experience and was able to finally grieve his loss.

It definitely was an experience, and a true test of my mediumship, because mediumship isn’t about me, it’s about those in the afterlife being able to communicate with you. A connection had to happen, whether I was shit scared or not of the bird! I’m glad I was able to hold it together for this beautiful client.

I can’t say I’m in hurry to connect with more birds, but at least I know I can somehow handle this fear through mediumship.

Never a boring day in the office, that’s for sure!

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