The thing is, there is never a right or wrong decision.
You’re going to make any decision either from a place of fear or love
You came into this earth with the complete freedom to be and do what ever you wanted and somehow along the way you experienced needing to conform to society’s expectations, rules, limitations and justification. All of which are leading you on a path deterring you from you.
We are all source energy which is unconditional love , and when we choose to Rise with Love, we are giving way for things to unfold for us to live our best lives. We allow the expansion of love, joy and abundance to fill every aspect of our being and life.
With any decision you make, take everything and everyone else out of the picture and truly go with what you want and will bring you the most joy.
Your joy is ALWAYS of the most importance.
When making decisions, listen to your own being, it always knows best, you know, that gut instinct, those whispers that really need to become roars.
Only you knows how to do YOU!
When you make any decision from a place of love then you are and ALWAYS will be choosing the higher path for you