Our entire existence is for us to experience the expansion of love, joy and abundance while we are here on Earth.
You have nudges every day, from your own being, guiding you to be more than you currently are.
You’ll get a feeling or desire for something you really want, which ultimately is a way for you to experience love, joy and abundance on all forms.
No one wishes for more turmoil, challenges or fear, yet, this is what you have when you stop yourself from being more.
When you succeed in experiencing love, joy and abundance in your life, you lift others to do the same.
When you listen to those whispers that say, you deserve more, you are worthy of more… LISTEN. Truly listen, as this is your being saying let the Universe deliver and stop cock blocking the good feels of love, joy and abundance you came here to experience.
I see so many people living their lives pleasing others and living by others expectation that they are no longer sure who they are.
This is why we are all being called upon to Rise with Love
That energy and force that connects us all is LOVE. We are and always will be living our best lives when we choose to align ourselves to Love.
Be more in love
Do more in love
Share more in love
Live more in love
The most wonderful things will unfold for you when you embark on the journey to Rise with Love
Every moment you are sending rockets of desires to the universe. It’s not so much about what you want, but rather about how you feel.
You can say I am abundant and still feel in lack and the universe will respond by giving you more lack.
This is why having a few hot chocolate with marshmallow moments you can instantly go to is important. These are moments that spark absolute joy into your being
Think back to how fun it was to find dandelions in the grass and knowing exactly what to wish for. You were in the path of least resistance and allowed joy and desire to flow freely.
That’s how life needs to be, fun along the way as you co-create (sending rockets of desire) with the universe living your best life.
Yes, the more you FEEL joy, love and abundance, the more you bring into your being those desires which you want to fill your life with – even if you don’t know what your desires are, the Universe will keep bringing you experiences that continue to add those high vibe feels.
Keep doing things that bring you joy and surround yourself with people who add joy into your life.
You are all here to live an amazing life and it will be so when you choose to Rise with Love.