Decluttering gives room for the expansion of abundance

Decluttering gives room for the expansion of abundance

Want to welcome more abundance?

Then use the fresh energy of the new year to declutter your environment – your home and workspace.

This is a wonderful way to let go of what is no longer serving you, body, mind and soul.

When we hold on to things we energetically block abundance being able to flow freely in our lives. Ever seen an abundant hoarder? 🙅 Yea neither!

I encourage you to spend a few hours over a few days and go through each area of your physical environment and make a keep, give and throw pile.

I usually do a big sort out once a year, and if I haven’t used it in the year then its gone. So that’s how I choose what we keep and what we say sayionara to.

I do little declutters’ throughout the year to keep the energy flowing. I usually do so with the change of seasons.

What you’ll find is once you let go of things you don’t need, then you give opportunity for new things to enter.

It feels great to declutter, it will give you so much mental clarity too.

It’s amazing how much we have and hold on to and wonder why we feel crappy!

Give yourself the opportunity for expansion and get decluttering 👊💃

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