I’m sure at some point we can all relate to that feeling of not knowing what to do, how things are going to get better or not knowing what our purpose is. These feelings are all part of our human experience, and we must embrace it when we feel this way. Why? Because this feeling of being stuck or lost, is giving you a clear indication of what it is you don’t want in your life, and that is SUPER powerful.
There is great power in knowing what you don’t want.
If you never felt stuck or lost, how would you know what it is that you desire in your life? We need these contrasts so we can get clear on what our dreams and desires are. We can see the areas in our lives we want to evoke more joy in, even if we don’t yet know how we will go about it. The beauty is, knowing how to get there isn’t even your job, it’s the Universes’ job. You just need to be clear on the emotion you want to feel, and if you’re not sure what that is, ALWAYS aim to experience JOY.
The thing is, even when you feel stuck or lost, you aren’t. Things are always in motion. In this physical world the notion of time never stops, therefore you cannot be stuck. Time is never standing still. You can however have the same limiting belief, block or story that is keeping you in the same circumstances and that is why you feel stuck or even lost.
You are the only one who gets to write the narrative of your life. You may have been influenced by others which have given momentum to lack, fear and sabotage and that’s why you feel this sense of stuckness. But let me reassure you that you are free to live a life full of joy, abundance, hope and love. It’s all up to you and no one else.
Your mind is the greatest tool you were given in this physical world, and the more you can get clear and honest about your thoughts, the less stuck or lost you will feel. It’s perfectly fine not to want to stay living the way that you might currently be living. There is nothing wrong with you wanting different outcomes, and wanting more for yourself and your life. You must first acknowledge it, and then, you must show gratitude for what it is you have that is currently working for you. The more you can focus on the good in your life, the less you will give momentum to the lack, fear and sabotage that has had you feeling stuck or lost.
I always say to my clients to start changing the languaging from “I feel stuck/lost” to “I am on my way to discovering what brings me joy”. Now even though it may be the exact same feeling, doesn’t being in discovery feel better than being stuck? Which one of those statements is more likely to get the outcome you want?
Adapting a Flip It Mindset, which is part of the Rise with Love Philosophy is crucial to you living your best life. It simply means that you change your thought, your story and your languaging to be the positive version of what it is you want to feel. The Universe is always responding to how you feel, so being in discovery is a gazillion times better than being in that suck or lost zone.
Even when you’re living your best life, you’ll still have moments when you feel stuck or lost. However, it won’t ever be to the same extent of the big black hole that you would have felt in the past. They will be the contrast you need to know what they next dream and desire is that you are seeking. Remember knowing what you don’t want it SUPER powerful, and you’ll keep experiencing these contrasts throughout your life. They are vital in you knowing what it is you want to manifest.
So I encourage you to embrace feeling stuck or lost, but I also encourage you to Flip It and go in the direction of choosing to be discovering what brings you joy.
Time is a human concept. Ultimately there is no such thing as time. You do, however, have a choice as to how you spend your time here in this physical body, so make it a good one.
]]>We are all interconnected as one. We all come from source energy. So in order to better understand who we are, we have to better understand each other. There is a part of us in everyone. The more we connect with people from different cultures, ethnicity, ages, beliefs and so on, the more pieces of the puzzle you will fill in understanding who you are.
Each of us has something to teach and learn from one another.
This is why from the beginning of creation we have always wanted to seek, explore and discover beyond what is around us.
We have always known that in order to fully grasp who we are, we must see ourselves in each other.
Travelling will ALWAYS enrich your soul. Whether you travel alone or with another doesn’t matter. Your soul has a compass and it is constantly guiding you as to which lands will enrich your being the most at the stage of life you’re in. That’s why you might suddenly see a destination pop up into your awareness (this could be on social media, a conversation, in an add etc…) and you instantly start imagining yourself there and what it would be like. There are no coincidences, because this compass is always guiding you on the path to least resistance. That path which will give you the very best human experience you can have here on Earth.
It doesn’t matter whether you have traveled there or not, as there are always new people and experiences to have.
It’s never about the destination, but rather about the journey. Every step, every adventure is just as important. There is no destination, because ultimately you will never stop seeking, because you never should stop wanting to enrich your being.
Explore beyond the luxury. Make a point of understanding the people and the rich heritage of the lands you wonder too. Connect on that soul level, that energy that connects us all… LOVE. Language will never be a barrier when you see yourself in another. So much can be said with no words at all.
What ever lands you dream of exploring, do it.
You have so much more to gain in travelling than staying put.
Travelling is an enriching part of your human experience.
]]>Source energy is an infinite stream of love, joy, wellness, abundance, beauty and peace.
There is no poverty, illness, ugliness, loneliness and hatred, these only show up because you are disallowing the stream of source to flow freely into your life.
In every moment you are either allowing or disallowing
source energy to create the life you want.
You are source energy, you are so powerful and you came here with all the creativity and freedom to live a life where you add to the expansion of the physical manifestation of that source energy.
Plain and simple you came here to play, create and have fun as you allow yourself to experience what you are – source energy, which is love, joy, abundance and peace.
If you ain’t experiencing all that high vibe, feel good stuff then you have to adapt the Flip It Mindset!
You are most likely manifesting, sending those rockets of desires, but somewhere along the way you’re contradicting it by focusing on the absence of it. And when you do that, you are disallowing that stream of infinite source energy to flow.
Get excited about your future, be eager for good things to unfold for you, have fun with the Universe as you ask for your desires to come into physical manifestation.
I want you to forget everything you’ve been told about having to work hard and all that jazz to have the life of your dreams. Working hard will DEFINITELY NOT give you all that you are wanting.
Why? Because when you’re working hard your disallowing the flow of source energy. Hard is the opposite of ease, and the Universe ALWAYS delivers with ease. Rather, life needs to be measures by how much joy you’re having rather than how hard you are working.
Think of something you truly want. Now see yourself with it, experiencing it, feel how excited you are about having it and all the opportunities it now opens up because you have it. This is a Rocket of Desire you have sent to the Universe and all you have to do now is allow it to come into your life.
Everytime you think about it, think those thoughts, not, oh I don’t have this so my life sucks etc… That is what the Flip It Mindset is. Guiding your thoughts to allowing the Universe to deliver you the goods
Spoiler Alert!!!
If you want it, its yours.
So stop conjuring everything that makes you feel sad, angry, disappointed when you think about the absence of it. Dont even think about it as not there. It’s not absencent it’s here or on it’s way so keep being excited, eager and have fun imagining it in your life.
]]>You can do all the affirmations, vision boards and mantras in the world, but to truly get your dreams and desires manifesting into physical reality, your emotions are percent the key to it all.
Your emotions give you clues in every moment of what you want your life to be. You are either experiencing it or being reminded of what you want to experience.
Your emotions shape your life, THAT’S IT! Nothing else is going to do the job but your emotions. Your emotions are the direct signals being sent to the Universe saying ‘create more of this in my life’.
So, if you want to know what your future will be like, take a moment and feel into how you’re feeling right in this moment. If its anything other than joy, abundance and love and empowerment then you’re being reminded that you want to feel that to live your dream life.
When you think of your future, do you feel grateful, excited, inspired and eager?
If you don’t, then what kind of future are you creating?
Your emotions are how you manifest those things you want. For example if you want a new job, attach feelings of excitement, passion, and joy every time you think of it, see it advertised etc… If you attach feelings of lack, doubt and so on then that’s what your creating into your life.
So, make a point of checking in with yourself and feeling good, if you’re not, that’s ok, but do what ever you can to get yourself there if living your dream life is something you are striving for.
You deserve it all.
]]>Then use the fresh energy of the new year to declutter your environment – your home and workspace.
This is a wonderful way to let go of what is no longer serving you, body, mind and soul.
When we hold on to things we energetically block abundance being able to flow freely in our lives. Ever seen an abundant hoarder? Yea neither!
I encourage you to spend a few hours over a few days and go through each area of your physical environment and make a keep, give and throw pile.
I usually do a big sort out once a year, and if I haven’t used it in the year then its gone. So that’s how I choose what we keep and what we say sayionara to.
I do little declutters’ throughout the year to keep the energy flowing. I usually do so with the change of seasons.
What you’ll find is once you let go of things you don’t need, then you give opportunity for new things to enter.
It feels great to declutter, it will give you so much mental clarity too.
It’s amazing how much we have and hold on to and wonder why we feel crappy!
Give yourself the opportunity for expansion and get decluttering
If you’ve been with me awhile, you know I want you to live your best life, so tonight I encourage you to take some time to co-create your year with the Universe
Get a journal or pieces of paper and write down in the present tense dreams and desires you feel would make your life amazing. Anything from romantic relationships, friendships, career, health, living location, travel, hobbies, money etc…
Allow yourself to have it all, so go BIG with these aspirations and know you don’t have to justify nothing to the Universe.
Remember you know these have already happened, so show gratitude and excitement for it all as you write it down.
Feel into time frames and when you write your letter you can say as an example by June or sooner – the ‘or sooner’ part is quite important so make sure you use it.
Some other key words are “this or better” for things like purchases, hobbies etc… for example I want to buy a 3 bedroom house or better.
With anything financial say “this or more” for example I want a pay increase of $10,000 or more.
Enjoy this process, have fun, get excited, get eager, get giddy and get hyped this is your life and you are deserving of it all.
Put your letter in an envelope, seal it with a kiss and put it somewhere special.
On a side note… If you’re an essential oil lover like me, do a drop of Wild Orange (abundance) and Frankincense (truth) on your envelope to amplify it to the Universe.
I’m excited for you, this is such a wonderful gift to give yourself.
You are and always will be the co-creator along with source of your life.
What you need to get clear on is everything in your life right now has been delivered from the Universe from YOUR response about how you feel.
Your feelings is what the Universe recieves and brings you more of, and that is how you co-create your experiences.
You cannot co-create abundance if you are feeling in lack. Even if you are truly abundant and you feel in lack, you’ll receive more experiences in your life that will keep you feeling in that lack.
The law of the Universe is simple, it responds to YOUR EMOTIONS and that is how law of attraction works.
No matter what you believe your physical reality to be, the Universe keeps bringing you more of what you feel.
This is why getting into your hot chocolate with marshmallow moments state is of the most importance when you are aware that you feel anything other than joy, abundance and love.
Your hot chocolate with marshmallow moments are those memories, experiences and things which evoke an instant sense of joy, love and abundance. When you think of these moments your whole body feels good, inside and out and you feel giddy with a big smile on your face.
Having a few of these moments in the reference bank that you can pull out at anytime will make a significant difference in the life you co-create with source.
We all want to live our dream lives and we all can, when we master the art choosing our emotions in response to life’s experiences.
Happiness and joy is a state in which you feel gratitude, appreciation and the expansion of love for the very moment/s you are experiencing.
You do not need to EVER justify your happiness or withhold it from anyone.
That’s right, no matter what is showing up in your life, you have the choice to choose experiencing happiness even if you have been taught or made to feel that you need to feel something else.
Never ever sacrifice experiencing happiness because others around you aren’t.
Even if you have to think of your hot chocolate moments all day long to experience happiness because maybe life isn’t feeling happy then do so!
The wonderful thing with happiness is that it’s yours.
When you rise, so do others. When you experience happiness, you give others the opportunity to experience it too.
Choose your happiness above anything else.
The experience of the spirit hug was so powerful that she wanted to give that to her son too, and of course, I was willing to give it a go.
At just 6 months old baby H is so adorable and a true mixture of his mummy and daddy.
The reading of course was full of visits from family admiring and dotting over baby H and giving mummy lots of love and support.
Towards the middle of the reading baby H was starting to get a bit restless, so I decided to hold him and allow daddy to come through as I do when I do the spirit hugs, and instantly baby H settled as I rocked side to side letting his daddy soothe him. I really felt like I wanted to hum which was something daddy used to do.
When it came to the true moment of the spirit hug, this is what truly blew me away.
I decided to stand, since that seemed to work last time, and ask daddy to come once again. Baby H dropped his toy and started to settle once again and was touching my face and cuddled into me – which of course was his daddy. I can’t put it into words, just how amazing that was for everyone of us to experience
I, of course wanted to give mummy another experience of a spirit hug so she put baby H on her lap and I let him come through again, giving him a moment to take in his beautiful family. He wanted to put his hand on Baby H’s foot and once again Baby H dropped his toy and put his hand on mine reaching for his dad. I allowed him to hug them both and it was just a beautiful experience – no one wanting it to ever end
What an honour it was to give daddy the opportunity to hold his son again… it’s touched my heart so much that we can co-create these connections together.
Baby H and his mummy hold a special place in my heart and I look forward to sharing more in their journey in years to come.
Everyday with experiences like this we are bringing mediumship into the everyday homes, the everyday hearts and everyday conversations.
On the contrary, you came here to experience an extension of yourself. We are all source energy, which is pure unconditional love, and you came here to physically experience what that love feels like and the experiences it opens up when you’re aligned with it.
Your life is meant to evoke joy, abundance, creativity, inspiration and pleasure.
Your being (soul) knows that’s what you are and came here to experience and it sends you reminders of this ALL the time, and every once in awhile you may just recognise this as aspirations, dreams and desires.
You’ll get these nudges, thoughts, signs or feelings towards people and experiences that you know would bring you ultimate joy and abundance and some people follow that, but most, somehow conjure up every story or block possible to keep resisting actually living their best life.
Getting in tune with that voice that’s the cheerleader in your mind is of the upmost importance – that is source, aka love, you can call it god, angels, guides etc…but ultimately it’s that energy that connects us and the Universe together.
When you see something that you want to do, stop talking yourself out of it, stop asking others for validation or permission, stop buying into the excuses or the presumed reality you’re in. It’s come into your awareness because somewhere at some point you evoked this experience into your being and now the Universe has delivered you the opportunity to evoke it into existence.
This is what the Rise with Love philosophy is all about – aligning yourself with love to experience the expansion of joy and abundance as you co-create your dream life.
Choose as best as you can in every moment
Joy over sadness
Abundance over lack
Worthiness over guilt
Deserving over blame
Empowerment over anger
Gratitude over jealousy
Everything will unfold beautifully because it’s the Universes job to take care of the how and when, and your job to know the desire and to experience it.
The universe will NEVER EVER let you down as it responds to how you feel.
Always reach for the feeling you WANT to experience. That is the way you too will Rise with Love.
When we align ourselves with love, we are aligning ourselves with who we truly are and this gives us the freedom to rise into living our best life.
YES it’s your time to Rise with Love
The thing is, there is never a right or wrong decision.
You’re going to make any decision either from a place of fear or love
You came into this earth with the complete freedom to be and do what ever you wanted and somehow along the way you experienced needing to conform to society’s expectations, rules, limitations and justification. All of which are leading you on a path deterring you from you.
We are all source energy which is unconditional love , and when we choose to Rise with Love, we are giving way for things to unfold for us to live our best lives. We allow the expansion of love, joy and abundance to fill every aspect of our being and life.
With any decision you make, take everything and everyone else out of the picture and truly go with what you want and will bring you the most joy.
Your joy is ALWAYS of the most importance.
When making decisions, listen to your own being, it always knows best, you know, that gut instinct, those whispers that really need to become roars.
Only you knows how to do YOU!
When you make any decision from a place of love then you are and ALWAYS will be choosing the higher path for you